Beetroot health secrets

Beetroot health secrets

The beetroot are used to many health benefits there are, it supports the livers natural detoxification process and reduces blood pressure. The powerful pigment found within beetroot is known as bactacyanin helps to stimulate and enhance the process in the liver known as ‘phase 2 detoxification’. This is one of a series of processes that the liver uses to turn harmful toxins, such as alcohol and metabolic waste into harmless substances that can be removed from the body. Betacyanin has been found to speed up certain chemical reactions that are involved in the smooth running of this process. It is also widely believed that betacyanin can stimulate the production of bile, which can further aid the removal of processed toxins. Your granny probably used beets to prevent gallstones and to treat gout and jaundice. It has a long history as a valuable elixir for anemia and disorders of the bladder and kidney.

A native of southern Europe, beetroot has a vibrant crimson colour which comes from pigments no other vegetable has, beetroot is frequently consumed padded. Baby beetroot leaves may be found in salad mixes. Several verities and colors are available with roots varying in shape from round to spherical flavor variations are very subtie.
Background of beetroots  
A western diet heavy in meat, fried foods and refined grains increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, heart problems, and stroke and type 2diabetes. The link between diet and chronic diseases is well documented. Heart disease, the main cause of death in western countries, is greatly influenced by diet, especially by the amount and type of fat consumed. Nutritionists recommended diets rich in fruit s and vegetables for good health and for reducing the risk of heart disease and some type’s cancers. The beneficial effects of fruits, vegetable and a Mediterranean diet are likely due to many components there are including fiber and micronutrients, over the last several years and increasing attention has been paid to the antioxidant activity of plant pigments such as caretonoids, anthocyanins and recently, the battalions. The most heavily studied betalain is betanin aglycone, obtained from the extract of beet juice. Beetroot is mainly consumed as pickled or canned preserve, a cooked vegetable or sometimes a juice. In Poland, red beets are popular vegetables with a per capita consumption of approximately 6kg/year. Results from several in vitro studies have demonstrated that battalions form beetroot posses’ powerful antiradical and antioxidant activity. In addition, a significant tumour inhibitory effect has been shown to accompany a dietary treatment with beetroot ingestion. Lammers hypothesized the betanin is non-perturbing to cellular metabolism, highly compatible with enzyme function and steadies cellular metabolic function under various kinds of stress in animal tissue. Introduction of novel products, mainly lacto-fermented juice and crisps, has presumably contributed to the recent growth in the intake of beetroot.

Health benefits of Beets
Contains folic acid
Cleanses the colon
Cleanses the blood, controls blood pressure
Immunity booster
Anti cancer
Heals acne
Wonderful source of iron
Contains sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus
Contains vitamins A and C and niacin
Protects against heart disease
Treats and cures boils and abscesses
Strengthens the gall bladder and liver, cures kidneynd stones
